Nougat (Torrone)

The soft nougat is one of our favorite sweet sins, a small bite of this delicious sweet can’t ever be denied 😉 . The ingredients to prepare it at home are very simple: honey, sugar and dried fruit at your own will (hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios in the traditional variants). We just have to get to work! Read the whole recipe before … Read More

Orange marmalade

We have time for one last recipe with oranges, before these citrus disappear until next winter, we will show you our breakfast of the week. Orange marmalade, given its bitter taste is excellent not only with bread, but also to accompany the seasoned cheese.   To prepare the marmalade you have to purchase oranges untreated and un-waxed otherwise you can not use … Read More

Crunchy Granola Muesli

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, at least that is what was handed down for generations, and even if this were not true, certainly waking up with a good breakfast helps a lot to be in a good mood 😀 . So what better excuse to prepare a delicious muesli at home? Crunchy oatmeal enriched with almonds and raisins … Read More

Medlar cheese

A cheese made with fruits? It really is, and you’ll certainly see that the flavour of this dish with strange name will perfectly fit Christmas time with its spicy scent! The medlar cheese comes directly from spicy fruit pastes widespread during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, which were often prepared with quinces and pears and, we could say, are … Read More