Vincitori del Giveaway “Libri di cucina”

Domenica notte si è concluso il giveaway dei libri di cucina, non ci resta che annunciare i fortunati vincitori 🙂 .

libri cucina giveaway

Vince la serie di libri per cucinare in modo sano e gustoso le verdure… Floriana Moroni 😀

Vince la serie di libri misti (non sapremmo come altro definirla 😉 )… Nicole Brinkmann 😀

Contatteremo a brevissimo le vincitrici su Facebook, così da avere gli indirizzi per spedire i libri entro fine settimana 🙂

One Comment on “Vincitori del Giveaway “Libri di cucina””

  1. Congratulations to Floriana Moroni and Nicole Brinkmann on winning the cookbook giveaway! It’s wonderful to see such enthusiasm for healthy cooking, especially with a focus on delicious vegetable recipes. These books will surely inspire many delightful culinary creations and encourage a love for cooking in their kitchens.

    As these lucky winners celebrate, it’s a perfect opportunity to share the joy of cooking with a wider audience. A2Bookmarks Belgium is one of the top social bookmarking websites that can help amplify this wonderful event. By using high DA social bookmarking Sites in Belgium, participants can enhance their visibility and connect with others who share a passion for cooking. This way, the community can continue to grow and explore new recipes together, reaping the A2Bookmarks Belgium SEO benefits while celebrating culinary creativity!


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