On the occasion of Halloween we’ll prepare some good toffee apples Snow White would surely appreciate . Crisp and shiny on the outside, soft juicy inside…
The queen went in haste to a secret room where no one could enter and prepared the most poisonous apple that the world ever saw.
Outside the apple was so beautiful, red and white, that anyone would be charmed only to see her; but anyone who ate a bite, would died instantly.
Once the apple was ready she painted her face and disguised himself with the garments of a peasant. She passed the Seven Mountains, reaching the house of the seven dwarfs.
The Queen knocked, Snow White looked out and said,
– I can not let anyone in, the seven dwarfs have forbidden me!
– No matter, said the old woman, I can still sell my apples. Take, I want to give you one.
– No, said Snow White, I can not take anything.
– Are you afraid to be poisoned? – Asked the old woman. – Look, I’ve divided it in half: you will eat the red one and I’ll eat the white one.
The apple, however, was so cunningly made that only the red half was indeed poisoned. Snow White ate the apple with her beautiful eyes and when she saw the woman take the first bite, she could not resist anymore: she stretched out her hand and took the poisoned half. But after her the first bite she went down. Dead.Translation by Fratelli ai Fornelli from the original text of Grimm brothers.
Your guests will not resist and they will fall victims of your spell; you will not even need to taste half to convince them !
Keep a camera on hand The expression of the guests biting the tasty fruit will be an unforgettable and fun photo
If you try one of the recipes on the blog, take a photo and publish it on Instragam with the hashtag #fratelliaifornelli and tagging our profile @fratelliaifornelli.

Snow White toffee apples
- 10 small apples
- 500 g of white sugar
- 1 pinch of red colored powder optional
Heat sugar in a large pan, leaving it to darken gently. The layer of sugar should not be too thick, otherwise you risk to burn the bottom
If you want to give a touch of color to your apples, mix the dye to the sugar before you start. We recommend the use of powder dyes to avoid altering the consistency of caramel.
Remember to never mix the caramel while browning, so to get it smooth, uniform and without bubbles
You can control the browning of caramel with a thermometer for sugar: the caramel blond is obtained from 155 ° to 165 °, the caramel brown from 166 ° to 175 °. If you reach 180 °, the caramel will burn and you'll have to start over.
Skewered apples with bamboo sticks.
Dip the apples in caramel, covering them completely. You can help slightly tilting the pan, but be careful not to burn yourself.
Once covered, lay the apples on baking paper, leaving them well spaced between them.
Within minutes the caramel will harden and you'll be able to taste them
Best wishes for a terrific evening of Halloween
I Fratelli ai fornelli